We believe it is only possible to transition to a more sustainable future through empowerment, ownership and collective global action. We strive to enable systemic change in order to support the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 17, Partnership For The Goal. 

Sustainability must underpin everything we do. To enable this we will establish knowledge sharing and governance structures that equip our employees, suppliers and customers with the understanding to contribute to the change.


Our target


We will empower four global Kvadrat Change Maker Networks by 2023 to actively promote sustainability within and beyond Kvadrat


Our 2022 performance highlights


Kvadrat Sustainable Site Policy

In 2022, we launched our Kvadrat Sustainable Site Policy. We internally recruited 36 Local Sustainability Champions from across our global showrooms, warehouses and offices. They will ensure our sustainability strategy is reflected in our physical spaces.

Kvadrat Change Maker Networks

Across the three Change Maker Networks, we undertook 27 training sessions in 2022. Through a mix of digital learning and workshops identifying challenges and solutions, the focus of these networks is to enable knowledge sharing within and beyond our company, inspiring colleagues, clients and partners.

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Impact Documentation

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