We want to be transparent about the environmental credentials of our products and the chemical safety of our operations, in adherence with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production. To achieve this, we rely on several external audits, certificates and chemical treatment policies which document the excellence of our products in meeting global environmental standards.

We will communicate our impact by publishing quality data. We will work proactively with regulations, aligning our products and practices with the highest international standards and certifications.


Our targets


We will implement our new chemical policy by 2023

We will increase the EU Ecolabel certification across our textile categories by 2025


Our 2022 performance highlights


33 products awarded with the EU Ecolabel

The EU Ecolabel certifies that the production processes of our textiles follow environmental standards. In 2022, 33 of our textiles were awarded the EU Ecolabel. It is our goal to provide our clients with products that meet environmental excellence and support them in making more sustainable choices.

Collaborating with EU Ecolabel certified partners

During 2022, Kvadrat Weaving and Kvadrat Febrik, in collaboration with our suppliers, began the process of obtaining EU Ecolabel certification. This marks a significant milestone in our efforts to obtain EU Ecolabel certification for all of our textile products.

315 Greenguard Gold certified products

We want to provide detailed and transparent data about our products. 315 of our products have been Greenguard Gold certified, for 250 of them we can provide a Health Product Declaration. These certifications provide detailed information on the environmental impact of our textiles.

Our products follow ISO 14040's principles

We are conducting life-cycle screening assessments following the principles of the ISO 14040 standard series for all our textiles. These standards assess the environmental impact of a product throughout its life. ISO 14040 standards also contribute to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 13, Climate Action.

10 third-party verified EPDs in 2023

In order to encourage our clients to make informed purchase decisions, in 2023 we launched third-party verified Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for 10 textile groups covering 120 of our best-selling textile products. EPDs outline a product's environmental impact, including global warming potential, smog creation, ozone depletion and water pollution.

Expanding Kvadrat's Manufacturing Restricted Substance List 

Our Kvadrat Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (mRSL) for 2022 includes substances that are limited by various regulations, such as REACH, ZDHC, and SVHC, as well as other standards applicable in our relevant markets. Additionally, it incorporates industry-leading practices and guidelines, such as EU Ecolabel, Möbelfakta, and Red List.

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Equal Opportunities

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Sustainability Advocacy

{{ 'Sustainability Advocacy' || ('Labels.Kvadrat.Client.Campaign.NextCampaignPage' | translate) }}