We are committed to a sustainable and ethical approach to manufacturing, in alignment with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 10, Reduced Inequalities. We strive to provide value chain transparency and traceability, seeking collaborations with partners who are aligned with Kvadrat´s Code of Conduct. Our ambition is to ensure both ethically and environmentally conscious conduct across our supply chain.  

We will continue to work with partners who are striving for inclusive change. Kvadrat is committed to ensuring all our collaborators are aligned with our commitments, such as the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles on human and labour rights, environment and anti-corruption. Transparency around labour practices, manufacturing processes and the provenance of our raw materials will support our development as a regenerative business.


Our targets


We will work towards complete value chain transparency by 2025

We will screen tier one suppliers to safeguard fair wages and responsible production by 2025


Our 2022 performance highlights


Local living wage assessment

All of our Indian weaving partners hold SA 8000 certification, which guarantees that they comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by providing fair and safe working conditions. In conjunction with Social Accountability International (SAI), the organisation behind the SA 8000 certification, we have launched a project to assess local living wages for our rug suppliers in India. This initiative will continue throughout 2023, enhancing transparency and fostering trust with our partners.

Kvadrat Innovation Lab

As a global player, it is our ambition to contribute significantly to sustainable development within the textile industry. Kvadrat Innovation Lab is focused on researching and developing new materials and production processes in close collaboration with partners. In 2022, Kvadrat joined a consortium working on the development of a biopolymer for textile applications.

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Conscious Design

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Equal Opportunities

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