We commit to mitigating climate change, in adherence with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 13, Climate Action. Through decarbonisation, we embarked on the road to reduce our carbon emissions towards net-zero across our supply chain. 

Our long-term goal is to reach net-zero by 2040. To achieve our target we will work towards eliminating carbon emissions from all our own operations and across our value chain, including purchased goods and services, upstream transportation, and business travel. We will support this with a move towards circular systems that offer take-back and product lifetime extending services on many of our ranges.



Our targets


We will achieve 50% carbon reduction in scope 1-2 by 2026, reaching 100% by 2030 to become net-zero in scope 1-3 by 2040 (baseline 2019)

We will offer circular services by 2025 which will generate 40% of our revenue by 2035


Our 2022 performance highlights


A learning journey 

In 2022, we invested in energy efficiency initiatives at our roller blind assembly site in the Netherlands. We expect that these investments will allow us to reduce our carbon emission by 28t CO2 annually. Despite these local efforts, our group-level carbon emissions from scopes 1 and 2 increased by 12% due to organic growth. This highlights the need for us to continue learning and work even harder to make the necessary changes to achieve our ambitious carbon reduction targets.

60% increase in renewable energy consumption

In 2022, our renewable energy consumption increased to 60%. The vast majority of our renewable energy comes with Guarantees of Origin (GO) certification, which attests that the power we are consuming has been generated from renewable sources. Moreover, we generated 4.2% of our energy through on-site solar cells, marking a 3% increase from 2021.

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Conscious Design

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