Kvadrat´s water reduction initiatives
Fresh water is a scarce commodity in many places around the world. At Kvadrat, we strive to preserve water as best we can and continue to implement measures to reduce our water consumption.
To minimise our impact on water resources, we focus on machinery, process, and design innovations. For instance, by using a new heat exchanger at our production partner Wooltex, we were able to decrease energy and water consumption by an additional 13% in 2022 compared to the previous year. A selection of our products is already dry processed, avoiding water use at a key stage of production. An excellent example of our water-saving initiatives is seen in our textiles, Mizmaze and Arda. By applying a soaking-only finish instead of washing, we can reduce water consumption by 80-95% compared to traditional methods. Another example is Waterborn, an upholstery textile made without solvents in an innovative production process, which recycles water. This generates 35% less CO2 and uses 70% less water than typical methods.